Sunday 19 June 2011

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Een tekst in het boek hieronder over het dagboek van Anne

een boek over het leven van Anne Frank

My Profile: Inge

My name is: Inge Jansens. I live in Baarle-Nassau. That’s a little village against the Belgian border. It’s a really fun village. I live on a small farm. It’s not a farm, we have many animals. As a dog, a kat, Horses ant sometimes some cows. I am 14 years old almost 15. My birthday is 25 March. My hobbies are horseback riding and dancing with some friends of me. Horse riding is my favourite sport. It’s really fun. My horse called Delani. We have four horses. The name’s are: Ankie, Gelani, King and my horse Delani. I have one sister: Judith, she is 12 years old and her birthday is on 29 December. An odd date just before New Year. Her hobbies are too Horse riding. My mum en dad called: Anita and Ad Jansens. My mum’s nationality is Netherlands and my Dad’s nationality is Belgian. My nationality is a half Dutch man and a half Belgian. My mum works at a Bank and my dad at a big company Steel weld. I work at a supermarket. It’s really fun. We have stocking shelves and reflect. You think what’s reflect. I’ll explain, we have products from behind the boxes to the front. It is boring but you must. Now I tell you about my school. It’s not a big school. The name of the school is: De la sale. Named after Mr. la salle. We have per year some field trips; we go to Den Bosch, Antwerp and Amsterdam. In the last year we go with everyone who graduates to Paris. That’s really fun. We sleep in a hotel. We go to the eiffeltoren and to an amusement park: Disney land. But that will take one year. In the summer we go with the whole family on holiday. This year do not. Because we are probably next year at London Olympics. I’m already looking forward. We have a lot vacation to France, the Netherlands. In France we went to a camp near the city of Paris. Paris was great, we have seen many.

Love, Inge Jansens

Thursday 16 June 2011

My profile Valerie Berkes:

My Profile:

Let me introduce myself.                                                    
Hello, my name is Valerie Berkes.

I am 15 years old. I live in Baarle Nassau. My school is also in Baarle - Nassau. Baarle - Nassau is a village in the Netherlands near the Belgian border. I have blond hair, blue eyes and I’m very tall about 1.73m. We have a house with a garden in front and behind the house.

It’s a very little school with only 300 hundred people. I am in third grade.
In my class are both boys and girls.

My family consists of my mother, father and my younger sister. And that last one is sometimes very annoying. The name of my sister is Maxime and she is 12 years old.

My hobby is Zumba. That’s a kind of dance. I really like it, because I like dancing very much with my friends. Before Zumba, I did classic Ballet for about 5 years.

My favourite song is yeah 3x from Chris Brown.
My favourite food is lasagne.
My date of birth is 12 November 1995.                          
So I am getting 16 this year.
My constellation is scorpion.

I like to play games on the XBOX or on the computer, my favourite game is the Sims. It’s a great game because it’s never the same thing that you do. So it never gets boring. Sometimes I play this game for hours and then I can never stop. It’s really an addictive game.
Also I like to dance on the XBOX Kinect. I don’t know if you know what the Kinect is. But it’s too difficult to explain. Anyway it’s really fun.

I really like to travel a lot. With my family a have go travelled to Spain, Italy, Germany, England, Turkey, Egypt and France. Last year I went with my family to London. And that was great! We have seen the big ben and bucking in Palace and Harrots.

A few months ago I went with my parents to Paris. That was in December I think. There we have seen the Eiffel Tower and Versailles, Arc the Triomphe. 

Recently I have a job in a supermarket as stocking shelves. It’s hard work but also big fun! I do it only one evening in the week and so I earn a bit. About 15 euro a week. Well this was it about me. I hope you know now I little bit more about my live and that kind of staffs. So byeeee…..

Friday 10 June 2011

H4 The concencratiecamps were Anne and her family are been.

5 men come to the achterhuis, glaring. They come through the bookcase. The hiders stop with breathing. They must be really quiet. The man came into the room, where they are. The men know everything about the family. They are included. All the jewelry and money is taken of the police(German). The hiders are allowed to take any clothes of them. Then they are going in to a truck to the police office. They are trapped in a cell(four days). At 8 August they are going to the camp Westerbork. The whole month they are staying there in a barrack. At 3 september 1944 is the family of Anne frank going to the consentrationcamp(Auschwitz in Poland) Together with the thousand other Jews. 3 day’s in a boxcar to Auschwitz. In the night of 5 on 6 September they arrive at Auschwitz. The half of the people that arrive that they died that day also. The people that died that day are many children(1-15) Anne is than just 15, therefore she not died. The men are separated from the women. They women must walk to the womencamp in Birkenau. Edith and her 2 daughter are stayed together. Otto frank is going to the mencamp Auschwitz. The conditions in Auschwitz are horrible. The prisoners get not enough food. A lot of prisoners are die by malnutrition and much of diseases.
The two women(Margot and Anne) are going to Birkenau. Edith not she died at 6 January 1945. The end of  October 1944 are going Anne and Margot to Bergen-Belsen. Anne and Margot are trying to survive. They must be sleeping in a overcrowded barrack. They get not enough food. At March 1945 died Margot. A few days later Anne died also. A few weeks later at April the camp(Bergen-belsen) was liberated by the Engelisch people. Otto Frank is the only one survive the war.  At 5 March 1945 begins Otto Frank at the long way to home. 

H1 the family of Anne Frank

Every one call her Anne Frank but her real name is Anneliese Maria Frank. She was born at 12 June 1929 at Germany at Frankfurt am Main. She has got a older sister. She was born at 16 Februar 1926 also in Germany at Frankfurt am Main. She called Margo Frank. She is 3 year older. Her father is calling Otto Frank. And her Mother is calling Edith Frank. Also she has got a grand-mother in Aken. A few years later her grand-mother come live in her house too. When Anne Frank was born, her parents were then 4 years married. At 12 mei 1925 is there marriage in the church of Aken. Otto is then 37 years old and Edith is then 25 years old. Otto is born at 1889 at Germany at Frakfurt am Main. Edith was born at Aken, that’s near the Netherlands border. First Otto and Edith live in the house of Otto’s mother. At 1927 they move to the house in the Marbachweg. On 13 March 1933 are elections in Germany, the Nazis (the followers of Hitler) are going to win many votes. Hitler Hitler comes to force. Her parents see for themselves and there children no future anymore in Germany and they flown to the Netherlands in 1933. Anne grow up till her 11th at the Netherlands. From 1940, all Dutch to register there identity. In 1933 started Otto Frank a new enterprise. The enterprise called Opekta Werke. Anne Frank does it really wel at school. She has good marks. Anne and Margo are sitting on the Montessorischool. They learn there very mutch. When Anne is 7 years old she can read and write very well. Anne love’s smiling, writing, cats, dogs and boys of course. She has a lot of friends. Margo is a lot quieter as Anne. Anne and her family often go to the beach. But when she get older she goes not so often more to the beach. At 10 may 1940 the Dutch military came to the Netherlands. The family of Anne Frank is now not save ennymore. Anne and her family need to hide. A lot of people come live in the house. The family is not so close as before.

dit is de familie van Anne Frank:

H5 the Anne Frank foundation and the museum

Since 1960 is the Anne Frank house open for people. Every year a lot of school groups are going to do a program at the Anne Frank house. The Anne Frank House is started on 3 May 1957. Three years later, the Anne Frank House opened as a museum. Each year, 908000 visitors from around the world visit the Anne Frank House, the former hiding place, one of the most visited museums of Amsterdam. After the second German war Otto Frank was the only one of the family that came back. Otto Frank came back in June 1945 in Amsterdam. He decided after a while to exhibit the diary of Anne Frank. Otto Frank remarried in 1953 and went with his second wife, Elfriede Markovits, in Basel (Switzerland). The management of rights of  Anne Frank's diary he carried over to the Anne Frank Foundation, which is also located in Bavel. Otto Frank died in 1980 at an age of 91 years.  He has made the care that anyone could read the diary and see it. Otto Frank was actively involved to opening of the outhouse as a museum. The Anne Frank House has not only focus on the past. Prejudice, discrimination and violating human rights are today throughout the world. These current issues are central to the temporary exhibition. On 3 May 1957 the Anne Frank Foundation was created in order to restore the building. The most of the visitors come from other countries. The diary of Anne Frank has Otto Frank published. On 3 May 1960 was the museum officially opened. The fiftieth anniversary was on 3 May 2011. Queen Beatrix was here also. The first year 9000 people came to the museum every year and now, 50 years later million people came to the hiding  place of Anne Frank and her family. The bank giro lottery supports the Anne Frank foundation since 2007. For a period of 5 years the foundation give amount of 200.000 Euro every 5 years. The Anne Frank foundation gets in 2008 also a cheque of 750 .000 Euro. For the financing of big projects is the Anne Frank foundation dependent on contributions from different funds, friends and supporters of the European Union and the Dutch government.

H3 The diary

On the thirtien birhtday of anna frank, am 12 juin 1942. Got Anne Frank a diary. She beginning immediately witch write. She write about her friends, family and about her school. Later she write about the hidding in the Achterhouse. At her birthday she write: I hope i can trust to you to everything . In her diary write she that her dad her leading model is. What she wrong did, her fear. Her big wish is that ze later after the war journalist or write can became. In the war she write about how bad and lonely is was. She gave her diary a name: Kitty. Anne love pop stars. She stuck many picturs of him  in her diary. She write about a big tree in the garden behind the achterhouse. After the war came Anne not back. Miep Gies give the diary to Otto Frank her dad. He read the diary and discovered the big wish of Anne Frank. The didn’t knew that Anne all her experiences had written. Otte write the big text documents in the Deutsch and sent that to his mum in Switzerland. He looking for a publisher but the war was still very fresh that nowhere to find a publisher. To a small piece of the text of the diary posted in a paper: Parabool. Then came a lot of publisers. In the summer of 1947 came the diary from in a book. There are 1500 copies are maded. Anne wish is released, ze is a real writer became. About her diary are in 20 million languages made and there are much movies and plays are made. Anne frank is a symbol to the 6 million joden, they are died in the war. Otto frank has his whole life used for Anne her idea’s disseminate. In 1980 is he died. Hier is a litte piece of her diary.  
Dear Kitty,
I had cake and sweets achieved and thea and cookies, but Hello noch I have sense to walk with together. We walk together and only at 8 o’clock was I home. Dad was very angry and found it is no way that I to late came home. Because it very dangerous to joden if I outside after 8 o’clock. (1 juli 1942).