Friday 10 June 2011

H1 the family of Anne Frank

Every one call her Anne Frank but her real name is Anneliese Maria Frank. She was born at 12 June 1929 at Germany at Frankfurt am Main. She has got a older sister. She was born at 16 Februar 1926 also in Germany at Frankfurt am Main. She called Margo Frank. She is 3 year older. Her father is calling Otto Frank. And her Mother is calling Edith Frank. Also she has got a grand-mother in Aken. A few years later her grand-mother come live in her house too. When Anne Frank was born, her parents were then 4 years married. At 12 mei 1925 is there marriage in the church of Aken. Otto is then 37 years old and Edith is then 25 years old. Otto is born at 1889 at Germany at Frakfurt am Main. Edith was born at Aken, that’s near the Netherlands border. First Otto and Edith live in the house of Otto’s mother. At 1927 they move to the house in the Marbachweg. On 13 March 1933 are elections in Germany, the Nazis (the followers of Hitler) are going to win many votes. Hitler Hitler comes to force. Her parents see for themselves and there children no future anymore in Germany and they flown to the Netherlands in 1933. Anne grow up till her 11th at the Netherlands. From 1940, all Dutch to register there identity. In 1933 started Otto Frank a new enterprise. The enterprise called Opekta Werke. Anne Frank does it really wel at school. She has good marks. Anne and Margo are sitting on the Montessorischool. They learn there very mutch. When Anne is 7 years old she can read and write very well. Anne love’s smiling, writing, cats, dogs and boys of course. She has a lot of friends. Margo is a lot quieter as Anne. Anne and her family often go to the beach. But when she get older she goes not so often more to the beach. At 10 may 1940 the Dutch military came to the Netherlands. The family of Anne Frank is now not save ennymore. Anne and her family need to hide. A lot of people come live in the house. The family is not so close as before.

dit is de familie van Anne Frank:

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