Friday 10 June 2011

H4 The concencratiecamps were Anne and her family are been.

5 men come to the achterhuis, glaring. They come through the bookcase. The hiders stop with breathing. They must be really quiet. The man came into the room, where they are. The men know everything about the family. They are included. All the jewelry and money is taken of the police(German). The hiders are allowed to take any clothes of them. Then they are going in to a truck to the police office. They are trapped in a cell(four days). At 8 August they are going to the camp Westerbork. The whole month they are staying there in a barrack. At 3 september 1944 is the family of Anne frank going to the consentrationcamp(Auschwitz in Poland) Together with the thousand other Jews. 3 day’s in a boxcar to Auschwitz. In the night of 5 on 6 September they arrive at Auschwitz. The half of the people that arrive that they died that day also. The people that died that day are many children(1-15) Anne is than just 15, therefore she not died. The men are separated from the women. They women must walk to the womencamp in Birkenau. Edith and her 2 daughter are stayed together. Otto frank is going to the mencamp Auschwitz. The conditions in Auschwitz are horrible. The prisoners get not enough food. A lot of prisoners are die by malnutrition and much of diseases.
The two women(Margot and Anne) are going to Birkenau. Edith not she died at 6 January 1945. The end of  October 1944 are going Anne and Margot to Bergen-Belsen. Anne and Margot are trying to survive. They must be sleeping in a overcrowded barrack. They get not enough food. At March 1945 died Margot. A few days later Anne died also. A few weeks later at April the camp(Bergen-belsen) was liberated by the Engelisch people. Otto Frank is the only one survive the war.  At 5 March 1945 begins Otto Frank at the long way to home. 

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